Week 5
June 5th – 9th, 2006
This week has been fair. Mostly I’ve been having computer problems which have prevented me from spending large amounts of time revising and translating. Since I use my own computer, it’s hard not to focus attention there when there’s a problem, because otherwise I’ll be spending the rest of my time here with a pencil and notebook, writing out English translations that take infinitely longer than they would if I spent a week fixing my firewall settings and cleaning viruses from the registry. Not to mention we’d miss our deadlines by leaps and bounds and all the work I do would have to be typed and revised several times before they could actually use them in a catalog. So there’s my justification in a nutshell. Hopefully, I’m not breaking anyone’s heart.
But, that was my week. It’s Friday at 5:00pm, I finally fixed things to a usable level, and I was still able to translate 30 and revise 20 pages. When I finish revision, I hope I won’t have to come back to these files again to update the translations. Up to this point, I’ve translated a little over a third of the 200 page catalog having two total weeks to do so, despite my computer problems. The translation and revising process takes ages. Otherwise, I present it to them and they “fix” it and give it back to me to revise, like they did with the first 25 pages I translated. Ridiculous!!!
I really wish I had something better to do than complain about work. I’m a bitter old man who doesn’t want to spend his time doing ridiculous tasks. I got paid this week, and that’s worth the 5 weeks of crap, just for the satisfaction of stickin’ it to the man; by paying tithing but not paying taxes. All right!!! Plus, a baby is about to be born with my name on it. What else really matters?