Experiences of interns from BYU working in various parts of Japan.

Friday, August 04, 2006


This week was largely spent creating and modifying my presentation. I think it is funny that I have to give a presentation on software I have been using for three months to people that have been using it or similar for years. At least it will be more interesting than a “what I learned here” presentation. It was good to see some of the other interns again at the closing lunch function. It was really good to get most of the day off to drive there and back to work. It was about three hours round trip. I am taking a night bus to Tokyo tonight and spending the weekend with one of my old companions. It should be a fun trip and good to see some more different areas of Japan. I have only been to Tokyo once and that was just for a late dinner about 5 years ago. It will be fun with a friend and now that I can speak Japanese. I am definitely ready to go home and don’t want to translate anything for a long time. Just one week left and I am out of here. I will try not to slack off too much. It hasn’t helped that my boss has been gone for two weeks on business trips. 頑張るしかない!At least for one more week.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Hang In There!

Just a week or two left for everyone -- you're almost there! Thanks for blogging faithfully. Someone asked if you'll get docked for missing an entry or if you get graded on the quality of your entries. It is mostly a completion grade, and I imagine one missing entry won't be a problem, but hopefully you have something written for every week.
I'm flying out to Hong Kong on the 8th, spending five days there picking up my brother from his mission, then heading over to Japan for the rest of August. If anyone is still around by then (about the 14th?) let me know. Have fun out there while you can!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Back Log For weeks 11-13

I didn't know we were getting graded for our reponses. Is that true Landon?
Anyway I think I forgot two weeks worth too, but only because two weeks ago I found out I'm going home 2 weeks early. YES!!!! And I had a lot of errands to tie up my experience here. So, I'll give you the last three weeks and my last day so you know what I've been up to.

July 10 – 14, 2006
I’m translating more catalogs into English. (these are catalogs that won't be sold in english countries, they're really reaching for thing for me to do.) They won't need the translation for several more years at least.

July 17 – 21, 2006
Same as last week. Except I get to go home early because apparently they figured I would rather go home to see my wife and new born baby, than sit around doing worthless translations. Praying helps. So does a little bit of discussion.

July 24 – 28, 2006
On Tuesday, they gave me two reports that NBK employees had written about a subsidiary company they toured recently in Indonesia. They wanted them translated before the weekend. I had no time to do anything else this week because we also had our pool side party and I helped clean the pool. That was the funnest day of the whole internship.

July 31, 2006
It's my last day of work and I feel great. Only a meeting to endure then I'm off to America. I spent the day wrapping up my translation assignment and getting ready to go home. There's still no end to how much money Japan is squeezing out of my pockets. That's my final complaint for you. If you can live in this hole without signing up for anything it's better that way. At least you don't have to pay for months of stuff you're not going to use.