Experiences of interns from BYU working in various parts of Japan.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Long week

I spent this week translating and checking translations of a price estimation and configuration guide. It was interesting at first but having to translate the same thing with just a slight difference gets old after a while. Luckily for me the software I am using helps me out a lot. In other words it is making me lazy. Since everything is pretty much the same it just shows me the similar sentence and I just have to change the few words that are different. The good news is that my boss gave me a new job today that will take priority. I need to translate some software integration scenarios into Japanese. So far this has been more interesting than I thought it would be. But I am probably just sick of working on the manual. I like translating from English more I have realized. It is just so much easier to understand what the person actually means. I can’t believe that it is the end of June already. Just a month and a half left until it is time to go home. I hope everyone else is learning a lot. Don’t let the heat get you down. Later.


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