Something New
This week was pretty interesting. It started out pretty slow just working on the same old translating. I finished up the project I was working on right before they needed it. Then I spent the next two days checking the English on one of my co-workers translations. She is pretty good but sometimes you can tell that she still needs some work. But overall I would say she knows way more than I do. She has been doing this a lot longer than me. Then I got to go down to Shiga on Thursday. It was the first time I got to ride the Shinkansen. So that was pretty cool. I translated for the meeting on Friday and it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. But it worked out okay.
I finished the required amount of reading this week. I still have a Japanese history book that I plan on reading though. There were a lot of insights in what I have read as to how the Japanese people view themselves and others and why this is so. It is pretty interesting to think about. I want to get a better idea of the history of Japan to maybe put some things into perspective in my head. And also to better understand geographical significances and better appreciate the places I go. I will be translating next week as well for this same group Monday and Tuesday. I am looking forward to that. That is all for now I hope that everybody else is having a good time.
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