Experiences of interns from BYU working in various parts of Japan.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Something New

This week was pretty interesting. It started out pretty slow just working on the same old translating. I finished up the project I was working on right before they needed it. Then I spent the next two days checking the English on one of my co-workers translations. She is pretty good but sometimes you can tell that she still needs some work. But overall I would say she knows way more than I do. She has been doing this a lot longer than me. Then I got to go down to Shiga on Thursday. It was the first time I got to ride the Shinkansen. So that was pretty cool. I translated for the meeting on Friday and it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. But it worked out okay.
I finished the required amount of reading this week. I still have a Japanese history book that I plan on reading though. There were a lot of insights in what I have read as to how the Japanese people view themselves and others and why this is so. It is pretty interesting to think about. I want to get a better idea of the history of Japan to maybe put some things into perspective in my head. And also to better understand geographical significances and better appreciate the places I go. I will be translating next week as well for this same group Monday and Tuesday. I am looking forward to that. That is all for now I hope that everybody else is having a good time.


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